Travel Town Frosty Festivities Album All 18 Sets & Stickers List

Travel Town Frosty Festivities Album: All 18 Sets & Stickers List

Travel Town Guides

The Awesome Autumn album is nearing its conclusion, leaving collectors eager for the next adventure. As the curtain falls, the spotlight shifts to the upcoming album, “Frosty Festivities,” launching on December 9, 2024. This comprehensive guide will help you prepare for the journey by diving into the intricate details of the new album, which promises an exciting array of stickers and sets to explore.

Overview of Frosty Festivities Album

The “Frosty Festivities” album features 18 unique sets, each comprising 9 stickers, maintaining the structure from previous collections. This results in a total of 162 stickers, categorized into 130 regular stickers and 32 gold stickers, adding a delightful challenge for collectors.

Below is the complete breakdown of the sets, along with detailed information about each sticker—including whether they are gold or non-gold and their star ratings.

Frosty Festivities Album: All 18 Sets and Stickers

Set 1: Ski Supplies

Sticker NameStarsType
Blush BladesRegular
Frosty FramesRegular
Snowy SledRegular
Glacier GlovesRegular
Glacier GliderRegular
Skiing SetRegular
Hockey SticksRegular
Curling StonesRegular
Snazzy Snowmobile⭐⭐Regular

Set 2: Yule Yummins

Sticker NameStarsType
Merry MadeleinesRegular
Christmas CandiesRegular
Dinner DreamRegular
Merry MocktailRegular
Mitten MunchiesRegular
Festive FlapjacksRegular
Chocolate CharmRegular
Cheerful Cookies⭐⭐Regular
Gingerbread House⭐⭐Regular

Set 3: Seasonal Sparkles

Sticker NameStarsType
Sweet SipsRegular
Cozy ChristmasRegular
Holiday HaloRegular
Present PileRegular
Beautiful BaubleRegular
Stocking StashRegular
Holly Hat⭐⭐Regular
Merry Mailbox⭐⭐Regular
Festive Flames⭐⭐Regular

Set 4: Holly Happiness

Sticker NameStarsType
Festive FluffRegular
Noble NutcrackerRegular
Sparkling StashRegular
Window WishesRegular
Sleigh SoarRegular
Holiday Hearth⭐⭐Regular
Santa’s Seat⭐⭐Regular
Tinsel Toes⭐⭐Regular
Merry Miniature⭐⭐Regular

Set 5: Snowman Season

Sticker NameStarsType
Snowy SphereRegular
Melting MarshmallowRegular
Frosty FellowRegular
Snowy StringsRegular
Snowman Sip⭐⭐Regular
Blizzard Bites⭐⭐Regular
Arctic Adornment⭐⭐Regular
Taffy’s Frost⭐⭐Regular
Snowman Stack⭐⭐⭐Regular

Set 6: Polar Playtime

Sticker NameStarsType
Snowball ShenanigansRegular
Icy EncounterRegular
Sensational SleddingRegular
Thermal TranquilRegular
Snow Angels⭐⭐Gold
Frosty Fishing⭐⭐Regular
Snowball Showdown⭐⭐Regular
Polar Pom-Pom⭐⭐⭐Regular
Frozen Friendship⭐⭐⭐Regular

Set 7: Winter Romance

Sticker NameStarsType
Sparkling StreetRegular
Caleb’s ConversationRegular
Skater’s SentimentRegular
Skating Soar⭐⭐Regular
Rink Romance⭐⭐Regular
Icy Tumble⭐⭐Regular
Snowy Smooch⭐⭐Gold
Skating Soiree⭐⭐⭐Regular
Frozen Frame⭐⭐⭐Regular

Set 8: Ski Season

Sticker NameStarsType
Ski StartRegular
Snow BootsRegular
Anxious AscentRegular
Shaky Skiing⭐⭐Regular
Snowboard Style⭐⭐Regular
Snow Stuck⭐⭐Regular
Snowboard Sensation⭐⭐⭐Regular
Rink Redirector⭐⭐⭐Regular
Twirling Terrell⭐⭐⭐Gold

Set 9: Christmas Fair

Sticker NameStarsType
Merry Merry-GoRegular
Berry BrewRegular
Noel NookRegular
Pretzel Purchase⭐⭐Regular
Boot Beverage⭐⭐Regular
Steamy Sips⭐⭐⭐Regular
Baz’s Beverage⭐⭐⭐Regular
Glowing Gifts⭐⭐⭐Gold
Gingerbread Guy⭐⭐⭐Gold

Set 10: Jolly Joys

Sticker NameStarsType
Shirt ShowcaseRegular
Tree TroublemakersRegular
Tinsel ToolsRegular
Gifted Gadget⭐⭐Regular
Terrell’s Trove⭐⭐Regular
Surfboard Surprise⭐⭐⭐Regular
Summer’s Sparkle⭐⭐⭐Gold
Merry Munchies⭐⭐⭐Regular
Present Proportions⭐⭐⭐⭐Gold

Set 11: Santa’s Season

Sticker NameStarsType
Yuletide UkeleleRegular
Santa’s SurfRegular
Concealed Gift⭐⭐Regular
Festive Flora⭐⭐Regular
Gift Glimpse⭐⭐Regular
Antler Armor⭐⭐⭐Regular
Taffy Toy⭐⭐⭐Regular
Mistletoe Moments⭐⭐⭐Gold
Cozy Carols⭐⭐⭐⭐Gold

Set 12: Holly Heartbeat

Sticker NameStarsType
Snowy SpreadRegular
Dough Dreams⭐⭐Regular
Snowy Sentiment⭐⭐Regular
Socked Sweethearts⭐⭐Regular
Cozy Taffy⭐⭐⭐Regular
Sweet Symbol⭐⭐⭐Regular
Carla’s Charm⭐⭐⭐Regular
Mulled Magic⭐⭐⭐⭐Gold
Merry Mates⭐⭐⭐⭐Gold

Set 13: Seasonal Surprise

Sticker NameStarsType
Bowed BoxRegular
Stashed Santa⭐⭐Regular
Pantry Pranks⭐⭐⭐Gold
Living Room Lurk⭐⭐⭐Regular
Doorstep Delight⭐⭐⭐⭐Gold
Steven’s Seat⭐⭐⭐⭐Regular
Santa’s Supper⭐⭐⭐⭐Regular
Rooftop Race⭐⭐⭐⭐Regular
Santa’s Scene⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Gold

Set 14: Decorating Delights

Sticker NameStarsType
Holiday HaulRegular
Twinkling Topper⭐⭐Regular
Dough Duo⭐⭐⭐Regular
Yuletide Yard⭐⭐⭐Regular
Crafty Christmas⭐⭐⭐⭐Gold
Wrapping Wonders⭐⭐⭐⭐Regular
Merry Mistletoe⭐⭐⭐⭐Gold
Stocking Setup⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Regular
Tinsel Tranquility⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Gold

Set 15: Wreath Wonders

Sticker NameStarsType
Pine Picking⭐⭐Regular
Pinecone Pile⭐⭐⭐Gold
Crafting Charm⭐⭐⭐⭐Regular
Foliage Fix⭐⭐⭐⭐Regular
Garland Gathering⭐⭐⭐⭐Regular
Tinsel Treasures⭐⭐⭐⭐Regular
Pinecone Princess⭐⭐⭐⭐Gold
Holly Hoop⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Regular
Winter Wall⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Gold

Set 16: Party Preparation

Sticker NameStarsType
Ball Bash⭐⭐⭐Regular
Hat Hooray⭐⭐⭐Regular
Confetti Craze⭐⭐⭐Gold
Green Glamour⭐⭐⭐⭐Gold
Gala Glasses⭐⭐⭐⭐Regular
Stylish Stars⭐⭐⭐⭐Gold
Watch Wonder⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Regular
Blast Bundle⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Gold
Balcony Beauties⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Regular

Set 17: Countdown Celebration

Sticker NameStarsType
Party Pastry⭐⭐⭐Regular
Gala Gals⭐⭐⭐Regular
Festive Fete⭐⭐⭐⭐Gold
Cozy Celebration⭐⭐⭐⭐Regular
Festive Fizz⭐⭐⭐⭐Gold
Snowy Sculpture⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Regular
Primate Pop⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Regular
Confetti Cheers⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Gold
Piano Pair⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Gold

Set 18: Sparkling Soiree

Sticker NameStarsType
Sparkling Setup⭐⭐⭐Gold
Holiday Heroine⭐⭐⭐⭐Regular
Countdown Cake⭐⭐⭐⭐Regular
Celebration Cupcakes⭐⭐⭐⭐Regular
Bubbly Bash⭐⭐⭐⭐Regular
Taffy’s Toast⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Regular
Countdown Couple⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Gold
Toasting Topper⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Gold
Twinkling Torch⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Gold


The “Frosty Festivities” album presents an enchanting opportunity for collectors to dive into a holiday-themed treasure trove. With 18 carefully curated sets, it provides a delightful balance of regular and gold stickers, ensuring that collectors are both challenged and rewarded. The blend of festive themes, intricate designs, and the thrill of completing each set makes this album a must-have for enthusiasts.

As the launch date approaches, prepare to immerse yourself in the frosty wonderland of stickers. Whether you’re an avid collector or a casual participant, the “Frosty Festivities” album is bound to offer joy and excitement throughout the season. Mark your calendars for December 9, 2024, and let the festivities begin!

8 thoughts on “Travel Town Frosty Festivities Album: All 18 Sets & Stickers List

  1. While I appreciate the detailed breakdown of the Travel Town Frosty Festivities Album, I cant help but wonder why Set 1: Ski Supplies is listed before Set 2: Yule Yummins? Shouldnt food always come first? Just a thought.

  2. Just read the Travel Town Frosty Festivities Album piece. Is anyone else feeling like theres a bit too much focus on Ski Supplies and Yule Yummins? What about the other 16 sets? Lets diversify, folks!

    1. Completely disagree! Ski Supplies and Yule Yummins deserved the spotlight. Didnt see any bias, personally.

  3. I get the whole Frosty Festivities Album thing, but why only 18 sets of stickers? Id argue we need more variety, like adding a hot chocolate-themed set. Whos with me on this? Give us more sticker fun!

  4. Its a real shame they didnt include a set for Christmas Market in the Frosty Festivities Album. How can one imagine a festive winter voyage without the charm of street stalls, mulled wine and gingerbread? Missed opportunity, pals.

  5. Just read the Frosty Festivities article, and I have to ask – why isnt there a set dedicated to ugly Christmas sweaters? I mean, arent they a staple of frosty festivities? Feels like a missed opportunity.

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